Psilocybe moravica

Psilocybe moravica Borov. (2003)

Psilocybe serbica M.M.Moser & E.Horak (1969)
Psilocybe bohemica Šebek (1983)
Psilocybe arcana Borov. & Hlavácek (2001)

Macroscopic feat.:
  • Cap/Pileus: 2,5-3,5 (-7) cm across, hemispherical or conical when young, margin joined to stipe by a cortinate white veil, becoming plane-hemispherical, very obtusely conical, broadly campanulate or conical and margin becoming somewhat mildy wavy. Margin striate when moist. Strongly hygrophanous and fragile with a separate pellicle. Sometimes bluish to bluish green with a blue spot in center of cap. Dark brown when moist, fading to a yellowish-ochraceous or yellow-brown, bluish toned.
  • Gills/Lamellae: Thin, close-spaced, adnate, not subdecurrent, accurate in young and broad with maturity (ventricose). Brown and dark m when mature, with a grey tone and white edges.
  • Stem/Stipe: 5-9 (-12) x (0,15) 0,2-0,3 (-0,4) cm, cylindrical, often with a somewhat scabrous surface, Usually lank, less commonly robust, short and distinctly curved and not enlarged at the base. with remains of a partial veil building a fibrillous annular zone. Whitish rhizomorphs at base fibrillating into woody debris Whitish and off white, rarely whole stipe blue-green tinged. Stains blue when bruised.

Microscopic feat.:
  • Basidio/Spores: (10) 11-13,5 (-14,8) x (6-) 6,2-7,0 (-7-8) µm. Brown, ellipsoid, broadly ellipsoid or elongated and somewhat lemon-shaped. Sporeprint purple-brown.

Habitat: In groups on woody debris in deciduous or mixed forests, in grass on woody debris in soil and underbrush of Utica or Rubus, often in localities disturbed by human influence with accumulation of woody waste.

Distribution: It has been only reported from five distinct localities int he Czech Republic, 230-700 m above sea level.

Season: Late September to end of November, or mid December depending on warm autumn months.

Dosage: Unknown at present.

Comment: This fungi according to the author smells sweet and spicy not farinaceous and taste rather bitter. 9 specimens of this mushroom from two localities in the Czech Republic were analysed for psilocin/psilocybin content and showed a high concentration of psilocin as compared to a low content of psilocybin. Higher concentrations of indole derivatives were found in fruitbodies obtained from lower elevations. This is the third bluing Psilocybe described in the Czech Republic.

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link: Psilocybe moravica - foto 21

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link: Psilocybe moravica - foto 22

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